Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wastefree Wednesday

Don't forget that it's Wastefree Wednesday on November 18th at SAM. What does this mean? This means that you should bring a wastefree lunch to school. Bring your lunch in reuseable containers. The goal is to avoid throwing out any garbage at lunch. Please support the Green Team and SAM and help reduce your impact on the environment!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Planet Forward Fundraiser

The Green Team is encouraging all of the staff and students at SAM to participate in the Planet Forward fundraiser. By participating, not only are funds raised for the school (which goes back to special programming for students), the planet is helped as well.

Don't have a resuseable water bottle or reuseable bag? Now is the time to purchase them through Planet Forward!

So please support your school and the environment by encouraging your friends and family to purchase an environmentally friendly product.

Remember the top fundraising class for Grade 7 and for Grade 8 will receive a pizza party!